Moving up gear
It has been both an exciting and significant month from a Gulf Sporting perspective as we are able to report on Gulf success in various sporting arenas – as well as some great activation initiatives in several different parts of the world and some new partnership activity.
It has been both an exciting and significant month from a Gulf Sporting perspective as we are able to report on Gulf success in various sporting arenas – as well as some great activation initiatives in several different parts of the world and some new partnership activity.
The WEC SuperSeason, which started in April and runs over into 2019, with its climax at Le Mans next year, has just staged its annual race in Shanghai and Gulf Oil China used the weekend to great effect – hosting 145 guests over a real gala of a weekend.
After many years of watching the ROFGO Collection develop, we have now formalised its standing as the Official Gulf Heritage Collection and, alongside its amazing collection of Gulf race cars, it too is continuing to write its own page in Gulf motorsport history with the extremely professionally run ROFGO Racing part of its enterprise.
It is also a pleasure to announce the renewal of Gulf’s partnership with the Highlanders – one of the top teams in that hotbed of Rugby, New Zealand. Rugby is, to much of the Southern Hemisphere, a sport that rivals, or even outstrips cricket in its popularity and the Super League in which they play, is truly international and worthy of looking at closely for the opportunities it provides.
November has already been a busy month for Gulf’s sporting partners. The Champions League is in full swing again with Manchester United in action. The WEC circus moved to Shanghai, while Ian King got back in the saddle of the Gulf DragRacing bike for a one-off ride against the cream of the American top fuel bikes and the motorbike racing season came to a very wet finale, with testing for next year already underway!
This Gulf Sport has some great examples of sporting activation. Hopefully there is much to inspire within the articles and features to help drive your business activities onwards.